Sunday, May 24, 2009



Hugh Hewitt:
But there is no credit due the president on this Memorial Day Weekend for his incoherent approach to the treatment of the terrorists we already have in our custody and the precedents he is laying down for the next however many years we are obliged to fight this war. This is the first Memorial Day since 9/11 when it is possible to say that we are quite obviously returning to a 9/10 mentality when it comes to Islamist fanatics in our custody. Our guard is being lowered even as our extraordinary servicemen and women fight on in Afghanistan, Iraq, and scores of other places that don't make the headlines. It is impossible for the fecklessness of the policies concerning interrogation of prisoners and the custody of terrorists at Gitmo and elsewhere not to impact over time the situation on the battlefield, if only because our enemies watch the news and see in these moves by President Obama a slow-motion stand-down.

Change we can believe in!

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