Sunday, October 30, 2022


Creeping Barbarism

John Hinderaker:

If you take biology out of the mix, “two” is an arbitrary and irrational number. And in the short time that has gone by since Obergefell, the concept of biology itself has come under widespread attack. If things continue on their present course—and they will, absent a vastly invigorated conservative movement—the “right” to polygamy will soon be established. Which is to say that the rest of us will have polygamy jammed down our throats.


Futility Pays

John Hinderaker:

By progress, he means progress in replacing fossil fuels with wind and solar. But I don’t call that progress, I call it regression, along the lines of: “What did socialists use for light, before candles? Electricity.” Wind and solar have both been obsolete for a long time, and happily, no “transition” to those inadequate energy sources is occurring, nor will it ever.

Finally, given the total absence of the allegedly intended impact of spending on wind and solar, how in the world has $3.8 trillion (and counting) gone up in smoke? Easy: enormous amounts of money have been made by a small number of people, at the expense of the rest of us. And those people have shared a small share of their ill-gotten gains with politicians.


Civilization After Dark

John Hinderaker:

I don’t know whether there will be widespread blackouts this winter or not. (The Midcontinent Independent System Operator has also warned about potential blackouts in the Midwest.) It doesn’t really matter. If there are not widespread blackouts this year, there will be next year, depending on the vicissitudes of weather. Or, if not next year, the year after. As long as our country continues on the destructive path of replacing reliable energy with inefficient, intermittent “green” energy, blackouts and other system failures are inevitable. Only a major policy change, a rejection of “green” energy, can stave off that fate.

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