Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Nazi Savage Subtraction

Ed Morrissey:

So say the cowards who thought they could keep their skirts clean in Tehran from the blood they spill throughout the region. They need to talk tough now, especially for domestic consumption, because the Israelis just exposed the IRGC as incompetent at external security again. The IDF easily penetrated their defenses a few months ago in a strike on an anti-aircraft system near their nuclear-research facility in Isfahan. As the Times of Israel also adds, the Mossad has succeeded in assassinating several officials and experts tied to that nuclear program over the years, but it's not clear to what extent the Iranian people themselves are aware of Israel's success in that campaign.

There's no hiding Haniyeh's death, however. He had just arrived to congratulate the new president of Iran and attend the inauguration. The regime played up his visit, as well as those by other leaders of their terrorist armies, as evidence of their mastery of the region. Israel's assassination punctures that illusion, and more dangerously, exposes the IRGC as perhaps nothing more than well-funded thugs rather than geniuses of totalitarianism. And that could have serious repercussions for an unpopular regime with an already restive population.

Unfortunately, that may make it more likely that Iran will retaliate directly and escalate the war in the region. They tried it once already in a large-scale missile attack that the US, Israel, Jordan, and the UK entirely thwarted, which is what led to the strike on Isfahan. The Iranians quieted down after that demonstration of superior Israeli skill, and perhaps that may still be enough for Tehran to farm out the retaliation to one of its proxies.

Because the message in Tehran yesterday was clear to the Ayatollah Khomenei: You could be next. And as much as these terrorist leaders like to talk about the joys of martyrdom, they seem very reluctant to volunteer.

Case in point: one Ismail Haniyeh, the multi-billionaire who celebrated martyrdom in Gaza from his Doha mansion's green-screen in October.
Well, congratulations, Mr, Haniyeh. You've finally been volunteered for a duty you spent every effort to avoid for the last few decades. Consider that in the context of cowardly, too.



David Strom:

Molly Jong-Fast knows that J.D. Vance is not agitating to create a racially pure America, but she doesn't want the viewers on MSNBC to know that; she wants them to associate him with the "Hitler" meme they have been pushing for years. And, by extension, she is playing on the mentally ill's propensity to aggrandize themselves and indulge in their sense of victimization through violence.

It really is that simple and disgusting.

These people are sociopaths--and yes, I mean that literally. Who but a sociopath would get in front of a national audience and actually say such a thing, and what kind of "journalist" could sit next to her as she says it and not get outraged?

POLITICO. MSNBC, which is a division of NBC News.

This, my friends, is who owns the information sphere. We need to destroy what last vestige of credibility they have. They are a menace.


Wait, Who's Weird?

Ed Morrissey:

How does anyone accuse Republicans of being "weird" or "strange" while promoting the administration that appointed Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton to significant posts? Or the candidate who made a point of appearing on "RuPaul's Drag Race" recently? The same candidate that endorsed an activist that argued that drag queens should have access to children for "Drag Queen Story Hour" events, and later accused of sexual assault?

The American electorate knows what "weird" is, and it's not a VP candidate that asserts the need to strengthen the traditional-family model, even if one doesn't necessarily agree with the specifics of the policy proposal. Put J.D. Vance against Shangela, Brinton, and Levine, and then ask voters which of these are "weird." The answer won't be Vance.


Talentless Hack

Ed Morrissey:

Finally, there's more to this than just demonstrating how deep in the bag the "Paper of Record" is for Democrats. If we can't hold politicians accountable for past positions -- including positions they've never actually committed to changing in any public forum -- then what should we discuss? Excluding policy from election debates means nothing more than an endless series of character attacks, which the Times purports to disdain.

If Harris can't handle criticism over her radical agenda from just five years ago, then perhaps the problem isn't "weaponization" at all. It might just be that Democrats short-circuited actual democracy to anoint a talentless hack as their party nominee, and that the New York Times damned well knows it.


That Clears It Up

Via John Hinderaker.



David Strom:

Is ActBlue engaged in money laundering? Almost certainly, yes. Is it washing foreign donations? I have no idea. How could we know?

During the 2012 campaign, the Obama campaign was accused of using similar techniques to launder money because its donation platform didn't use verification to determine the location of a donor, allowing foreigners to donate to his campaign. There's really no easy way to check where the money is coming from because the process is designed to make fraud easy.

Do we have irrefutable proof that ActBlue is artificially flooding money into the Harris campaign? Not yet.

But I bet we will find it, either before or after the campaign. If you or someone you know suspects that ActBlue may have used your name to launder money, go to the FEC website and look up your name.


Totally Normal

Ann Althouse:

I agree that what is happening now is not normal, but which way is it not normal?

Is it not abnormal for a person to serve as U.S. Senator for 36 years, then to go on to be Vice President for 8 years, and still have time left to serve as President, and even to run for reelection as President when he is 81, and then to drop the nomination after excluding competitors and winning it in the primaries, handing the nomination to a person who never won any votes in any bid for the presidency? Is it not abnormal for a President to oversee the criminal prosecution of his predecessor, his rival, and then, after dropping out, to seek to rearrange the Supreme Court to enhance the likelihood that his rival will suffer real criminal punishment?


The Kamala Reset

John Hinderaker:

So Kamala Harris enthusiastically recommended to her followers that they contribute money to the Minnesota Freedom Fund in order to bail out murderers, rioters, rapists, arsonists and other criminals. We don’t know how much money her donation page raised for MFF, but we do know that she contributed, probably significantly, to a $43 million windfall for that left-wing organization. Harris’s actions show that she is pro-crime, and pro-criminal.

Understandably, the Democrats now want to erase that part of her record. The WCCO smear of Trump shows how far they are willing to go in that regard. But it is likely a losing battle: Harris has a broader pro-crime history, as exemplified by her support for maintaining San Francisco as a sanctuary city—a policy that had tragic, fatal consequences. When it comes to her record, Kamala Harris can run, but she can’t hide.


Beta Males for Harris

David Strom:

The Harris campaign is estrogen-filled, with AWFLs, pronoun-pushers, and lots of DEI and accusations of racism, sexism, and homophobia. Everything is about social media influencers, style, RuPaul's Drag Race, and appearances on Ellen and Drew Barrymore.

So I guess we shouldn't be surprised that the beta males are coming out in full force for Harris--pushing their bona fides as antiracist feminists whose goal in life is to apologize for the sin of being born White and male. It is so on-brand it is a Babylon Bee parody brought to life.


Pick a Lane

David Strom:

I don't think Trump is backing out of anything. I am quite confident, in fact, that he would be happy to debate Biden again.

And that is what he agreed to. It is Biden who backed out of the debate, and Harris wanted to debate J.D. Vance, remember?

I think both debates should happen as agreed or proposed. It is only fair.

Doesn't the Harris team agree that Joe Biden is fully capable of being President of the United States, and Joe Biden himself claimed in his withdrawal address that he believes he would have made a great president for the next four years. Biden and Harris are a team, the team agreed to the stipulated conditions, and the debates should go forward as planned.

Why not? What's the excuse?

Of course, Harris will say she is an entirely different candidate with an entirely different campaign, which is fair enough.

But then Harris and her toadies should drop any pretense that Trump agreed to debate her. He didn't. He agreed to debate Biden, and that is entirely different.

As with everything coming out these days from the mainstream media and the Harris campaign, this, too, is a complete farce and hoax. If Harris is different from Biden, then Harris should negotiate with the Trump campaign as any candidate would do. If she isn't, then she should say that she is running for Joe Biden's second term and debate the policies, the mistakes, and Biden's mental capacities on those grounds.

It's either/or in my book. Harris is Biden II, the younger version [of] the person who pulled out of Afghanistan, or she is Kamala Harris, the brat Gen Z hero. Pick a lane.


Savage Trash

Beege Welborn:

Yes, you can burn a flag, you barbarian savages, but you cannot steal one to burn. the world of Kamala Harris and her progressive friends, I guess you can.

You can storm any building, spray paint any monument, and terrorize anyone anywhere.


Energy Portfolio

Steven Hayward:

Who knows how much governments around the world have spent to promote “renewable” or “green” energy in the quest for “net-zero” emissions, but it has to be several trillion by now. And yet the world’s share of energy from fossil fuels is little changed from 1970. Here’s the breakdown from the 2024 Statistical Review of World Energy, just out the last few weeks. And what you can readily see is that coal, natural gas, and oil still account for 81 percent of the world’s energy. Nuclear and hydro (which greens still hate) account for another 10 percent, and “other renewables” (mostly wind and solar, but some biomass and geothermal) is still only about 8 percent.


She's An Ally...Of Hamas

John Hinderaker:

So Harris’s first official act as the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee will be to side with Hamas against one of America’s most important allies. Because that is the position of the party whose nomination she seeks. It would be less dishonorable if, like Joe Biden, she simply dropped out of sight.

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