Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Green = Black
It is extraordinary that no one in any country has actually tried, seriously, to figure out how to power a modern economy with intermittent and absurdly expensive wind and solar power. We are simply cruising toward disaster with inept and even senile politicians at the helm.
Accessory to Murder
Ibarra is one of millions of illegals whom Joe Biden has deliberately welcomed into the United States, in violation of federal law, the Constitution, and Biden’s oath of office. Biden’s motives are hard to understand. But in the law, one is held to have intended the natural and inevitable consequences of one’s actions. Occam’s Razor, like the common law, implies that Biden is trying to bring chaos and destruction to the United States.
Discipline is Racist
The underlying concept here is that disproportionate rates of discipline are proof [of] a failure by the school not by students (or their parents). What's not considered a possibility in this document is that black and Native American students are suspended or referred for discipline more often because they misbehave in class more often. Even if that's true, the solution is more attention to their "trauma" which in plain language means giving students a pass on their behavior because they are black (or gay or trans, etc.).
The practical result of this is going to be a two-tiered system in which black and Native American students get a pass for behavior that white and Asian students could never get away with. That discrepancy will be noticed by students, some of whom will take advantage of it and others of whom will feel resentful about it. The proper response here is to demand the same behavior from all students and to suspend those who fail to meet that single standard regardless of race or sexual orientation. But I can't say I'm confident that the Biden Dept. of Education will reach the same conclusion.
But We Need New Gun Laws
This lack of concern on the part of Gooden demonstrates that laws alone will not prevent violence — it’s the follow-through in holding accountable criminal offenders who possess and use firearms in the commission of crime that matters. Criminals should be terrified of the penalties that await them if they choose to possess or use firearms. Our court system’s current feeble response to criminals possessing or using firearms in the commission of crimes does not deter criminals from doing so.
Via John Hinderaker.
The Nazi Savages Can Surrender
But it does remind us that the "humanitarian" issues are the responsibility of the party that started the war and has fought it while embedding in civilian population centers and facilities. If they want an end to the war they started, they can offer a formal capitulation and submission to the victorious party -- just like Germany and Japan did in 1945.
Hamas won't do that, of course. So it's up to the Gazans who put Hamas in charge to decide which they prefer: being the battleground for Hamas' war, or getting rid of Hamas themselves and capitulating to the IDF. The clock is ticking.
Powered by Corruption
Wind and solar energy are scams that are kept alive only by government corruption. To the extent you scale back the corruption, they disappear.