John Sexton:
The underlying concept here is that disproportionate rates of discipline are proof [of] a failure by the school not by students (or their parents). What's not considered a possibility in this document is that black and Native American students are suspended or referred for discipline more often because they misbehave in class more often. Even if that's true, the solution is more attention to their "trauma" which in plain language means giving students a pass on their behavior because they are black (or gay or trans, etc.).
The practical result of this is going to be a two-tiered system in which black and Native American students get a pass for behavior that white and Asian students could never get away with. That discrepancy will be noticed by students, some of whom will take advantage of it and others of whom will feel resentful about it. The proper response here is to demand the same behavior from all students and to suspend those who fail to meet that single standard regardless of race or sexual orientation. But I can't say I'm confident that the Biden Dept. of Education will reach the same conclusion.
# posted by Ranger @ 8:35 PM