Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Coddling Savages Update

David Strom:

Europe is blaming Israel. This is wholly and completely wrong, because the video clearly shows secondary explosions, indicating that Hamas was hiding weapons among the civilians. That is a war crime--committed by Hamas. But Europeans worry about Hamas harming them--after all, millions of Muslims from the region who are committed Hamas supporters live in Europe. They don't worry about Israel harming them, because Israel is a civilized country.

So they attack Israel.

We keep hearing about multiculturalism and diversity being our strengths. Which brings up the question: where are the Europeans or Jews in Gaza or the West Bank? Or Syria. Or in most Middle Eastern countries?

The apartheid states are the Muslim states. Israel has Arab citizens who vote, get rich, become judges and get elected.

The only Jews in Gaza are hostages.


Gateway Energy Storage Fire

Beege Welborn:

Where you run into problems going forward is that oleaginous California Governor Gavin Newsom's insane renewable energy policies have not only precipitously forced his state into near third-world energy status but are actively endangering his citizens. To meet CA's seemingly immutable NetZero goals and effect this marvelous transition, myriad copies of this very storage facility are being planned, with some permitted already, and a fair amount of them being dumped in the middle of residential areas.

Because "green transition."

Residents of Poway and Escondido have been fighting against a planned "Seguro Battery Storage Facility" for a good while now, and the Otay blaze has just added fuel to their arguments.


AI Devours Electricity

John Hinderaker:

And now, here comes AI with its enormous new thirst for electricity. There is literally no hope of meeting this demand without keeping our coal plants operating and adding a great deal of new natural gas capacity—now essentially illegal under Biden rules. Wind and solar? They are a joke. In 2023, gas-fired electricity grew almost ten times as fast as wind and solar combined.


Stupid and Treasonous

John Hinderaker:

The Biden Administration is determined to limit America’s production of fossil fuels, of which we have the largest supply in the world. This will transition us from a position of energy independence, and potentially energy dominance, into a position of subservience to the Chinese Communist Party, on which we will depend for the vast quantities of materials that are needed for wind turbines, solar panels and batteries—which we will not be allowed to mine here. If this plan isn’t outright treasonous, it is possibly the stupidest program ever carried out by a government in world history.

The stated rationale for Biden’s policy, of course, is to save the world from carbon dioxide. There are many reasons why this rationale is preposterous, one of which is that our contributions to atmospheric CO2 are pretty much irrelevant. You can see this if you look specifically at the administration’s policies relating to coal.
China is the world’s number one emitter of carbon dioxide, and is steadily pulling away. Then, of course, there is India, the world’s most populous country, which has no intention of trying to supply its vast population with electricity via solar panels.


"Big Oil" to the Rescue

John Hinderaker:

Trump makes a good point. And it is exactly the same point that Democrats make to the “green” industries. Democrats funnel countless billions of dollars to “green” industries and companies, in return for which they receive lavish political support. Why? Because the Democrats’ policies are in the “green” industries’ financial interest.

What’s the difference? The difference is that Trump’s energy policies are right, and the Democrats’ energy policies are wrong. The Democrats’ support for “green” energy hurts consumers to the tune of many billions of dollars, and, perhaps worse, damages the national security. Trump’s support for reliable, affordable American energy will be good for all Americans. Except, I suppose, those who have invested in “green” companies in reliance on the Democrats’ anti-consumer subsidies and mandates.


Make an Example of Them

John Hinderaker:

The Biden Administration insists that Israel must have a plan for the “day after” it completes its victory over Hamas. A reasonable question is: why? Gaza started this war on October 7, and Israel responded as it had to, as any nation would, by fighting and, now, winning the war. Why should it be Israel’s burden to try to make something constructive out of the sickest culture in the world?

Here's the plan: tell the savages to enjoy the Stone Age.


Culture Clash: The Battle of Sweden

John Hinderaker:

Sweden currently has a rate of homicide committed with a firearm that is nearly twice that of any other EU country. That is a brand-new phenomenon, attributable entirely to Sweden’s welcoming attitude toward “refugees,” of which it has imported two million. The Financial Times article quotes Swedes who attribute the problem to a lack of assimilation of immigrants.
But hasn’t it become obvious that some groups of people are easier to assimilate than others? And wouldn’t a sane immigration policy, such as the U.S. formerly had, prioritize immigration from countries that are culturally compatible? The answer obviously is Yes, and yet posing the question, let alone answering it, is anathema on the American Left, as on the Swedish Left. But at least in Sweden, they are having an intelligent debate.


Italy Planning to Bring Back Nuclear

Charles Rotter:

In a decisive shift from its past policies, Italy, under the leadership of Premier Giorgia Meloni and Environment and Energy Security Minister Gilberto Pichetto, is paving the way for the reintroduction of nuclear energy, with a focus on the latest in reactor technology: small, modular, and IV generation reactors. This move is not merely a policy change but a strategic recalibration aimed at bolstering national energy security and aligning Italy with modern, low-carbon energy technologies.
Via John Hinderaker.


No Detransition Necessary

John Hinderaker:

So the alleged energy transition is a creation of liberal reporters and editors, who deliberately mislead the rest of us, or else, equally possible, are so ignorant that they have fallen for propaganda from the “green” interests who hope to rip off—have already ripped off!—trillions of dollars in government money to enrich themselves, while impoverishing the rest of us.

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