Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Stupid and Treasonous

John Hinderaker:

The Biden Administration is determined to limit America’s production of fossil fuels, of which we have the largest supply in the world. This will transition us from a position of energy independence, and potentially energy dominance, into a position of subservience to the Chinese Communist Party, on which we will depend for the vast quantities of materials that are needed for wind turbines, solar panels and batteries—which we will not be allowed to mine here. If this plan isn’t outright treasonous, it is possibly the stupidest program ever carried out by a government in world history.

The stated rationale for Biden’s policy, of course, is to save the world from carbon dioxide. There are many reasons why this rationale is preposterous, one of which is that our contributions to atmospheric CO2 are pretty much irrelevant. You can see this if you look specifically at the administration’s policies relating to coal.
China is the world’s number one emitter of carbon dioxide, and is steadily pulling away. Then, of course, there is India, the world’s most populous country, which has no intention of trying to supply its vast population with electricity via solar panels.

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