Tuesday, October 12, 2004


The Mark Dayton File

Simply put, I am not a fan of Democratic Senator Mark Dayton of Minnesota. His time in the U.S. Senate has proven to be a sad chapter in the history of MN's contributions to national politics. Abigail kindly posted a letter I wrote to the senator regarding his disgraceful comments about Prime Minister Allawi's visit and his lack of attendance at the PM's address to a joint session of Congress. Then there was Senator Dayton's ridiculous exchange with General Myers and Secretary Rumsfeld during a hearing with the Senate Armed Services Committee in May 2004 (complete transcript of the hearing). Captain's Quarters commentary on Senator Soundbite's performance at the hearing can be found here (note: I cannot vouch for the family-friendly nature of the comments at Captain's Quarters).

Hugh Hewitt linked to this bizarre article today about Senator Dayton closing his D.C. office because of terrorism threats. I also heard Brit Hume mention it during the Political Grapevine segment on Special Report this evening. Additional coverage at Captain's Quarters here.

Some have questioned the senator's stability. I can't speak to that, but I wonder if he is just completely out of his league...sort of like Luis Rivas being on a major league roster. The 2006 election will be an interesting test of whether or not Senator Dayton can be re-elected post 9/11. I think the Democrats may want to begin the search for a primary challenger.

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