Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Tactics and Accomplishments

Abigail discusses the recent campaigning by Team Kerry, including a partial list of their absurd statements and attacks from Best of the Web. Be sure to scroll down in this Best of the Web and read the comments under "Kerry Gets the Lewis A. Shattuck Vote" in order to appreciate Senator Kerry's legislative achievements. Here's the concluding paragraph:

Who the heck is Lewis A. Shattuck? We found the resolution, passed Jan. 24, 1991--just 12 days after Kerry voted to let Saddam Hussein have Kuwait--and it turns out Shattuck was just retiring as president of the Smaller Business Association of New England. Apparently Shattuck now resides in Vermont, these days a solidly Democratic state, so his vote won't help Kerry much. Meanwhile, Factcheck.org has a full list of Kerry's legislative accomplishments.

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