Friday, November 04, 2005


Capitalism was so Last Week

Here are columns about two members of the Commie Hall of Fame (via RealClearPolitics):

Mao's 70 million by Ralph R. Reiland
Che Guevara should be scorned - not worn by Ryan Clancy

Yes, these mass murderers are actually idolized by some. This paragraph from Mr. Clancy's column sums up Guevara and works just as well for Mao:

What then are we to make of Che Guevara? Che apologists insist he fought "for the people." But when it came to the basics of helping "the people," such as not killing them, he was less than stellar.

Communist tyrants kill around 100 million people (and counting) and still there are those who don't get it; Commies aren't cool.

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