Monday, March 13, 2017


Wage Gap Lie

Ashe Schow:
Audi also basically debunked their own Super Bowl ad on Twitter. After tweeting their commercial, one woman responded, asking if Audi pays their female workers less. 
"You pay your female employees less than males?" she asked. "You know that's against the law, right?"

Audi’s official Twitter account responded: "When we account for all the various factors that go into pay, women at Audi are on par with their male counterparts."

So when they have a wage gap, it’s due to "factors," but everyone else's wage gap is due to discrimination. This is the same tactic the Obama White House used when it was discovered women, on average, were earning less than men. The gap was due to more women in junior positions, with more men in senior positions. But when earnings are compared, women as a whole are compared to men as a whole.


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