Thursday, June 06, 2019


D-Day: 75th Anniversary

General Eisenhower's D-Day message:

Scott Johnson has posted Power Line's annual remembrance of the D-Day landings (The Ordeal of Omaha Beach) here.  Mr. Johnson has also posted a video and the text of President Trump's excellent speech at today's commemoration.

Ed Morrissey has posted his thoughts here (the Washington Post's video of today's full event is included).  Mr. Morrissey concludes:
Macron's heartfelt thanks captured the spirit of the day. France does not forget, and neither should anyone else. Not the nations that the invasion helped free from the grasp of genocidal totalitarians, and not the aspirational madmen who think that civilized nations have forgotten why we needed the sacrifices of D-Day. The men who charged those beaches on that day were our greatest generation, but liberty produces such men and women when the need arises.

From the bottom of our hearts to those who died and those who lived on D-Day: Thank you for the liberty we still enjoy.

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