Wednesday, June 05, 2019


The Trade Wars

Steven Hayward:
But I like this idea better: tell China that if they don't reform their predatory trade practices, we'll cut off all student visas for Chinese students at American universities. What are they going to do—send their students to German and French colleges where Chinese students don't know the language? Think British and Australian universities can absorb that many Chinese students? Do you think they want that many Chinese students? Of course they don't.
This step would annoy the Chinese elite who want to send their kids to American colleges—and use it as a means of sneaking some capital out of the country. One untold story is the number of Chinese students whose parents buy them an expensive house and expensive car in the U.S. as a way of escaping China's capital controls. I’ve seen this first hand.

This would have the added bonus of depriving many liberal universities of revenue, since they love Chinese students because they pay the full tuition sticker price. Admitting a certain amount of full-tuition Chinese students has become part of the business model with many colleges and universities. And you don't even need to bribe a soccer coach. Without full-paying Chinese students, some colleges might have to lay off the six-figure salary associate assistant deputy under-dean of diversity and inclusion. Horrors!
Yes!  I've been saying this for years. 

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