Friday, July 31, 2020


Act of War

John Hinderaker:
Could the Chinese have deliberately arranged for the worldwide dissemination of the Wuhan virus? Yes, rather easily. They could have created the virus, too, but that isn’t necessary. Once the virus escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, by means unknown, the rest was probably inevitable.

Of course, the virus did some damage within China, but nowhere near enough to pose a threat to the regime. And to the extent that there was collateral damage in Europe and elsewhere around the world, such damage, from the CCP’s point of view, was a helpful distraction at a time when China is building up its armed forces and extending its military footprint across Asia.

Does anyone think China’s rulers are either too inept or too principled to unleash the Wuhan virus on purpose? If so, why? They have done worse. And here, they would have been playing for enormous stakes—restoration of the pro-China, globalist regime that preceded Trump’s America First rebellion. Hardly any price would have been too much to pay.

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