Monday, November 30, 2020


A More Believable Case of Collusion: Beijing Biden

John Hinderaker:

Here is an idea: maybe we should make up, out of whole cloth, the claim that the Communist Chinese colluded with Joe Biden and his campaign to swing the election to Biden by organizing groups of activists to collect mis-addressed or otherwise available ballots and ballot applications and mail them in; by harvesting ballots for Biden; and by hacking into various states’ electoral software (much as the Russians hacked into the DNC’s email system in 2016) and altering vote totals in Biden’s favor. We could make up a bunch of fake memos supporting these claims and pull them together in a single document. We could call that document a “dossier” to make it sound more official.

We could then leak the “dossier” to the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN, and for the next four years, every news organ in America will devote itself to propagating the claims that we made up. The House of Representatives, which should be in Republican hands after 2022, can then impeach the Manchurian Candidate for colluding with the ChiComs and stealing the election.

All right, some elements of that plan won’t work. The press is resolutely on the side of Biden and the ChiComs. But still: the idea that Joe Biden colluded with the Chinese Communists, who undoubtedly are eager to see him win the election, is far more plausible than the fantasy that Vladimir Putin wanted the “America First” candidate to win in 2016. Russia’s main interest in American elections is that the U.S. not develop its fossil fuel resources, which is why the Russians have long financed our environmental movement. The Democrats are therefore Putin’s party as well as Xi Jinping’s.

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