Monday, November 30, 2020


Thinking About Georgia

John Hinderaker:

Memo to GOP: If all Georgians understand that the Democrats want to deprive them of their constitutional rights where possible, and charge them their share of $34 billion for the privilege of exercising their rights where those rights survive, most of them will not vote Democrat in the runoff Senate election. 

Ed Morrissey:

As bad as this is tactically, it’s even worse from a strategic perspective. Republicans have unloaded on Raphael Warnock with all sorts of oppo-research hits that paint him as a radical leftist, and probably have more coming. The only hope for Democrats is to have Ossoff succeed in running to the center against David Perdue and hope his coattails pull Warnock along to victory. Instead, Ossoff can’t get out of the hard-Left lane, not even when it’s relatively easy to do so. Strike three.

If Republicans can just get out of their own way, this should be a relatively easy runoff election to win. Democrats hardly put their best and brightest on the ticket here.

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