Thursday, December 31, 2020


Memories of Kwanzaa Past

John Hinderaker:

What are the chances that there is even a sliver of truth to Harris’s account? Many are skeptical. Steve Sailer says, “Pics or it didn’t happen.”

It’s possible, of course. Harris was born in 1964, so she was a child when Kwanzaa was concocted. What is striking to me is how insincere Harris seems in the video. To me, it appears that she is smiling, not at happy childhood memories, but at the idea that some rubes might actually fall for the tale she is spinning. Her patent lack of authenticity is a key reason why her presidential campaign crashed on takeoff, and she hasn’t become a more convincing story-teller in the time that has gone by since. Which is probably a good thing, given that she is likely to be president one of these days.

She is remarkably bad at this.

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