Sunday, February 28, 2021


What's the NFL's Carbon Footprint?

From the editor of the Van Buren County Register:

An NFL quarterback who has made over $200 million during his career has petitioned President Biden to shut down Van Buren County’s largest property taxpayer, threatening the Van Buren County School District with a loss of $394,000 in property tax money every year, according to information provided at the February 17 school board meeting.

More than 200 celebrities sent a letter to Biden to have him close Dakota Access pipeline while a court orders an environmental review. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers also signed his name to the petition. The pipeline goes through 18 counties in Iowa, including Van Buren County.
I'm guessing most Americans don't appreciate being told they need to pay more for less reliable energy by a guy who flies around the country to throw a ball for a living.

Via Scott Johnson.

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