Friday, December 31, 2021


The CCP's Useful Idiots

John Hinderaker:

Instead of petroleum, the Biden administration wants our economy to run on solar panels, wind turbines and mythical batteries–a pipe dream that will never come true, as the laws of physics don’t permit it. But in the meantime, the Biden administration means to turn over energy production, and thus our economy, to the Chinese Communist Party, which dominates production and processing of the products and materials needed for the electrified economy that liberals say is the future.

So don’t scorn the Europeans for turning their economies over to Vladimir Putin. What we are doing with the Chinese Communist Party is worse. I don’t think that Joe Biden is a Communist Chinese agent, if only because he is not smart enough for that, and I think it is unlikely that he is being blackmailed by Chairman Xi, although that is possible. I think it is more likely that Biden is so clueless, and the Democratic Party’s funders are so concentrated in the “green energy”–i.e., Communist Chinese Party–sector, that they simply don’t know or care about our country’s future.

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