Monday, January 31, 2022


Selling Us Out

John Hinderaker:

What is shocking is not so much the facts surrounding our president’s corruption, but rather the fact that our corporate media have closed ranks to prevent voters from learning about it. One gets tired of the “If Joe Biden were a Republican…” mantra, but still: the point is indisputable. Imagine if what we now know about Joe Biden’s entanglement with the Chinese Communist Party had come out four years ago, not about Biden, but about Donald Trump. It would have been the greatest scandal of the age, and Trump likely would have been impeached.

But because our press is desperately trying to prop up the failing Joe Biden, many Americans, perhaps most, will never learn about his corrupt relationship with the Chinese Communists—even though our relationship with China, our primary geopolitical rival, is one of the most important issues facing our republic. Is Joe Biden corrupt? Absolutely. But is there an institution that is even more corrupt? Yes: the American press.

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