Sunday, April 30, 2023


Needless To Say, It's Toxic

David Strom:

The latest term, and one with which I fell in love right away, is “petro-masculinity.” It is somehow perfect in its idiocy.

The idea behind the concept is pretty simple: the attachment to fossil fuels has nothing to do with the fact that without them human civilization would collapse, billions would die a horrible death, and that ever since we began using them human lifespans have increased, poverty has declined, and quality of life has blossomed for billions.

It’s because we love bathing in oil. It buttresses our hate for women.

Proof of this is obvious: so-called “climate deniers” don’t bow down to the goddess Greta.

Now in my little corner of the universe, we don’t generally set public policy and upend civilization based on the tantrums of a high school dropout. This is, I admit, an apparently idiosyncratic view. The UN, for instance, disagrees with my principle of using reason to set policies. But there are still a few stubborn people who do not worship youth and ignorance married to shrill whining.

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