It’s supremely important to these African nations to be able to utilize their own resources for the good of their citizens. We always refer to them as “developing nations,” but as my friend Jusper points out, ridiculous, arrogant, developed Western World dictates for many African countries are virtually keeping them in the stone-age. Why are we demanding solar panels from people who have no reliable running water or electricity? Why is Janet Yellen flying halfway across the world to pose in front of electricity free grass huts, lecturing the patient and polite occupant about climate change on how someone who has no lightbulbs and no vehicle can do their part?
In fact, Africans use less of everything because they have no access to any of it, and much of that can be blamed on intrusive foreign aid loan policies coupled with the African penchant for corruption in government. They don’t need any more aid with strings — they need diesel, electricity, fertilizer, and tractors…and please stop telling them they don’t.
Africa is a continent of plenty that, if they could get the right kind of help vice social engineering based on what’s best/the current rage for Europe and the U.S., maybe they could start to get their act together and be self sufficient.
# posted by Ranger @ 1:33 PM