Monday, July 31, 2023


The Energy Election

John Hinderaker:

Why might this make Burgum a strong contender? Because energy is the most important issue now before us. The Left is trying to destroy our economy, drastically lower our standard of living, and turn our future over to the Chinese Communist Party by abandoning our world-leading energy resources, and instead requiring us to use idiotic “green” technologies that don’t work, will never work, and are controlled by the Chinese, who use coal to run the plants that manufacture our pathetic wind turbines and solar panels. All of this is being done in the name of “climate change.”

This attack on our future is more threatening, and more important, than anything else that is now happening. How many politicians understand that? Not many. Some have been seduced by “green” propaganda—or, likely, by “green” money. Others are mentally squishy and subscribe to “all of the above” cliches without having any understanding of the Left’s agenda.

Who knows? Twenty years from now, it might be obvious that what we needed more than anything else in 2024 was a president who understands energy. That makes Doug Burgum worth a look.

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