Sunday, December 31, 2023


The Real Goal

John Hinderaker:

What is the connection between these two seemingly unrelated topics, global warming and the conflict between Israel and Hamas? One might say that a person who is wrong about one thing (global warming) is likely to be wrong about another (Gaza). But Thunberg isn’t just wrong, she is a passionate advocate against fossil fuels and against Israel—and, more broadly, “settler colonialism.”

That is not a coincidence. Rather, it reflects the fact that the climate change movement in which Thunberg is so prominent actually has little or nothing to do with climate change. Rather, it is an attack on the West. Fossil fuels are the foundation of modern civilization. They are the sole reason why we are not riding around in donkey carts and reading by candle light. Destroying fossil fuels means, at best, impoverishing the West.

That this is the activists’ real goal is evident from the fact that they train their fire not on China or India, but on the United States and Europe. If they were really concerned about the climate, this would make no sense, because China is by far the largest emitter of CO2.
If you aren’t talking about Chinese emissions, everything you are saying about global warming is a joke. And neither Greta Thunberg nor Al Gore, Joe Biden or John Kerry is saying anything about Chinese emissions. If they really believed their own hype about global warming as an existential threat, they would be talking about invading China or bombing the hundreds of new coal plants that it has under development. But they don’t do that; instead, they stick up for the Chinese Communists and say they are doing a pretty good job. So their real goal isn’t affecting the climate, it is destroying Western economies and, thus, Western power.

Likewise with Israel. Neither Greta Thunberg nor any of her left-wing allies has shown any interest in Middle Eastern conflicts that do not involve Israel. From the Iran-Iraq war to the Syrian civil war to the homicidal conflict between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, they are uninvolved, no matter how many thousands of Arabs are killed. Only when Israel is a party—even when it is a party because of one of the most vicious acts of war carried out in the modern era—do they swing into action. Why do they care? Because Israel is Western in its orientation, and thus denounced as a “settler colonialist” country despite the fact that Jews were living in the Holy Land more than two thousand years before the first Arabs appeared.

That Greta Thunberg and many other leftists are engaged in both climate change and pro-Hamas activism is no coincidence. Rather, the two positions are of a piece: both are fraudulent and have little to do with their expressed purposes. Rather, both are born of hatred of Western civilization.

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