Saturday, June 29, 2024


Indict the POS

David Strom:

What are the chances that some local prosecutor couldn't credibly indict Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas in a Texas or Florida jurisdiction?

How about accessory to murder? Human trafficking? Collusion with Mexican drug cartels?

Imagine the possibilities. There are countless crimes that Mayorkas has consciously enabled, and I am quite certain we could prove both his consciousness of guilt and the facts of the cases to the satisfaction of local juries.

I have no doubt at all.

Whether you can make the charges stick is another matter, of course, but Judge Merchan and his Deputy, who was so recently in Joe Biden's Justice Department, clearly had no such concerns about their prosecution of Donald Trump. There are so many reversible errors in that trial that hardly anybody expects the convictions to stick.

There are probably thousands of felonies with which he could be charged, and he wouldn't have the excuse that he is senile and incapable of standing trial, unlike the President.

No doubt, lawyers would object that he has immunity for official acts, and perhaps he does. Perhaps Donald Trump does too, come to think of that, because that issue has yet to be adjudicated. Adjudications in such matters can wait until after the trial, right? Those are the rules, as I understand them now.

No one is above the law. Dark Brandon says so.

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