Saturday, June 29, 2024


These Are the New Rules, Right?

John Hinderaker:

Still, in my opinion, if Trump wins in November he would be remiss if he didn’t give the Democrats a taste of their own medicine. Does this mean “throwing in jail” annoying libs like Ocasio-Cortez? Of course not. To my knowledge, she hasn’t done anything illegal. Stupidity is not a crime. On the other hand, there is a great deal of evidence that Joe Biden has taken upwards of $20 million in bribes from foreign powers and interests. If Trump wins, his Attorney General should immediately bring criminal charges against Biden on whatever is still permitted by the statute of limitations.

As for the other Democrats, they likely are secure against prosecution, since what they have done is a disgrace, but not a crime. But if I am overlooking criminal acts on the part of some Democrats, Trump and his administration should not forgo the opportunity to bring charges wherever they are plausible (not idiotic like the Democrats’ New York and Georgia prosecutions). Brute force is the only thing the Democrats understand, and showing that two can play the criminal prosecution game is the only way to deter Democrats from doing it in the future.

No backsies!

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