Sunday, June 30, 2024


Vast Cover-Up

Ed Morrissey:

The CNN analysis included mainly Democrats, including David Axelrod and former Biden comms director Kate Bedingfield, as well as Van Jones, who looked nearly in tears. Every single one of them posited that Biden would likely need to step aside and open the convention. Axelrod warned Republicans that a new candidate would make Trump much less electable, too.

Why? Because Democrats will assure us that the replacement is also youthful, smart, engaged, and up to the job?

None of the people on that panel understood the scope of the disaster last night. Biden just exposed a vast cover-up, nearly universal among elected Democrats and almost as much within the US national media, designed to keep people in the dark about the president's mental capacity.

They spent the last four years foisting a near-senile old fool onto a nation at a moment of dire crisis. That includes Axelrod. It includes Bedingfield. It includes Van Jones. It includes the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, and practically every other establishment media outlet. It also includes Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, every Democrat governor and member of Congress (except Dean Phillips), and most especially Jill Biden, who had to rush the stage to pull Joe off of it:

Democrats now want to pull a switcheroo and hope everyone forgets all about this breathtaking cover-up and corruption. That includes all of those Democrats who voted for Biden in primaries this year on their word that Biden was up to the task -- and whose votes will count for nothing in any scenario that changes the ticket. Talk about betrayal!

We'll game that out separately, but that won't solve the appalling credibility destruction that took place and which applies to all of the above. Elected Democrat officials from Kamala Harris on down participated in a scheme to defraud American voters, not once but twice, and the media aided and abetted it both times.

This demands accountability -- first at the ballot box, and then by investigations into how these frauds were run and perpetrated. It reminds us that we need to make sure we elect people who will pursue those questions and hold people responsible for their attempts to gaslight Americans and con them into voting for an old man who clearly can't perform this job now, let alone for another four years.

And we shouldn't stop pursuing these questions until we get an answer to who has been in charge of policy and decisions in the White House. Because it's clear that Biden clearly is not in charge of anything.

Last night's appalling display reminds us again of the crisis we face in public life. All of the institutions dominated by the Left have betrayed America, as Doddering Joe proved last night. Democrats and their Protection Racket Media allies are preparing new spin today to attempt to extend the cover-up a few more weeks for another con of the American electorate, and Big Tech co-conspirators will soon begin enforcing the new spin on advertising and moderation to enforce silence on Biden's cognitive collapse.

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