Saturday, August 31, 2024


Addition is Hard!

John Sexton:

I already know what those on the left will say about this, assuming they say anything at all. They'll say there's no evidence that illegal immigrants commit more crime than Americans born here. Even if that were true, it doesn't change the fact that this particular migrant has raped two people in 20 months. And again, that's a minimum. For all we know he's attacked other homeless women but wasn't caught.

There is simply no reason this person should be in this country. He should have been deported after the first attack, regardless of whether or not the victim testified. Once he agreed to a plea deal, he should have been on a plane or bus back to Nicaragua. Why didn't that happen? Probably because New York City refused to cooperate with ICE and ensured this guy would remain on the street to commit another attack. I don't know that for certain but it has definitely happened before.

I've heard progressive morons from Juan Williams to Jerry Nadler make this argument over the years that the crime rate among illegal aliens is lower than among native-born Americans.  Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that's correct.  So what?  Some fraction of illegal aliens commit crimes (beyond entering the country illegally).  All of the crimes committed by illegal aliens are in addition to the crimes committed by citizens and those here legally.  We're not replacing one population with another, we get both, or all three if we separate out legal immigrants.  Do leftists think the presence of millions of illegal aliens somehow decreases the total number of crimes committed compared to the number of crimes that would occur with just the native-born population.  It's not about the crime rate among each population, it's about the crime sum.  The only acceptable crime rate among illegal aliens is zero.

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