Monday, December 30, 2024


The Covid Coverup

Ed Morrissey:

That is what we used to call evidence. It certainly would be a smoking gun revelation, even to non-intel investigators, if politics were not involved. And yet this, along with Dr. Bannan's work in parallel, didn't just get discounted in this August 2021 presidential briefing but entirely suppressed.

Why? The obvious reason is that Biden didn't want to confront China over its role in creating the virus as well as refusing to cooperate in fighting it. To conclude that China manufactured the virus would prompt the US to cut off any more cooperation with China on medical research, a step that should have been taken well before the pandemic based on the deficiencies already known at WIV. Biden wanted to differentiate his administration from Trump's pugnacious China policies, perhaps in no small part because of Biden Inc interests that Hunter Biden had cultivated in the Obama administration.

Instead of dealing with the obvious, the Biden administration kept insisting on the zoonotic-transfer hypothesis despite a lack of any evidence for it. And then they worked with censorship groups funded in part by the State Department to punish anyone who dissented from that conclusion as "conspiracy theorists" and supposedly dangerous purveyors of "disinformation."

And it worked, too. It has taken three years to start getting the truth, and even then only because voters kicked Biden and Harris out of office. The incoming administration will get a chance to look at the records, and the current custodians know it.

Also, from John Hinderaker:

I am just a rank amateur, but to me it seems highly significant that after more than four years of diligent searching, no one has even found a bat (or any other animal) in the wild that was infected with COVID-19. So the “jump” from a wild bat to humans is entirely hypothetical and, as time goes by, less plausible.

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