Sunday, June 30, 2024


The Real Victims

John Hinderaker:

Change can be tough on lawyers. Take, for example, when the 13th Amendment was adopted. There were a lot of lawyers who had mastered the intricacies of chattel slavery, who knew the ins and outs of the Fugitive Slave laws, who made their livings drawing up contracts for the purchase and sale of slaves. At one stroke, the 13th Amendment rendered useless their years of hard work. The lawyers were the real victims!


Vast Cover-Up

Ed Morrissey:

The CNN analysis included mainly Democrats, including David Axelrod and former Biden comms director Kate Bedingfield, as well as Van Jones, who looked nearly in tears. Every single one of them posited that Biden would likely need to step aside and open the convention. Axelrod warned Republicans that a new candidate would make Trump much less electable, too.

Why? Because Democrats will assure us that the replacement is also youthful, smart, engaged, and up to the job?

None of the people on that panel understood the scope of the disaster last night. Biden just exposed a vast cover-up, nearly universal among elected Democrats and almost as much within the US national media, designed to keep people in the dark about the president's mental capacity.

They spent the last four years foisting a near-senile old fool onto a nation at a moment of dire crisis. That includes Axelrod. It includes Bedingfield. It includes Van Jones. It includes the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, and practically every other establishment media outlet. It also includes Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, every Democrat governor and member of Congress (except Dean Phillips), and most especially Jill Biden, who had to rush the stage to pull Joe off of it:

Democrats now want to pull a switcheroo and hope everyone forgets all about this breathtaking cover-up and corruption. That includes all of those Democrats who voted for Biden in primaries this year on their word that Biden was up to the task -- and whose votes will count for nothing in any scenario that changes the ticket. Talk about betrayal!

We'll game that out separately, but that won't solve the appalling credibility destruction that took place and which applies to all of the above. Elected Democrat officials from Kamala Harris on down participated in a scheme to defraud American voters, not once but twice, and the media aided and abetted it both times.

This demands accountability -- first at the ballot box, and then by investigations into how these frauds were run and perpetrated. It reminds us that we need to make sure we elect people who will pursue those questions and hold people responsible for their attempts to gaslight Americans and con them into voting for an old man who clearly can't perform this job now, let alone for another four years.

And we shouldn't stop pursuing these questions until we get an answer to who has been in charge of policy and decisions in the White House. Because it's clear that Biden clearly is not in charge of anything.

Last night's appalling display reminds us again of the crisis we face in public life. All of the institutions dominated by the Left have betrayed America, as Doddering Joe proved last night. Democrats and their Protection Racket Media allies are preparing new spin today to attempt to extend the cover-up a few more weeks for another con of the American electorate, and Big Tech co-conspirators will soon begin enforcing the new spin on advertising and moderation to enforce silence on Biden's cognitive collapse.


The Charlottesville Cheapfake

Ann Althouse:

Rupar, of course, is ridiculous. The "whopper about... Charlottesville" came from Biden. Who is still bitterly clinging to the notion that Trump said Nazis were fine people? Maybe Biden is so far gone that he actually believes it, but I don't believe Rupar believes it. I'm crediting him with rank cynicism. If the CNN moderators had been fact-checking in real time, they would have had to correct Biden on the "fine people" hoax... and on numerous other things, such as the claim that Trump told people to inject bleach into their arm. But Rupar is free to imagine that the moderators would have fact-checked in a biased way, a la Candy Crowley, and to pine about the debate that might have been.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Protecting Consumers

John Hinderaker:

Electric vehicle batteries, like the large batteries used to store electricity from inept sources like wind and solar, are prone to burst into flame. And those fires are hard to extinguish.
Which raises the following questions:
Where is the Consumer Products Safety Commission? Where is the Congressional investigation? In what other context are products that spontaneously burst into flames legally marketed? If electric vehicles, e-bikes and batteries for wind and solar installations were not darlings of the “green” scam that controls government at most levels, would they even be legal?


Upper Class Welfare

Steven Hayward:

I’m not sure who first observed that a lot of progressivism these days has the effect of transferring income from the middle class to the upper class, this is certainly true of much of the “green” tax credits and subsidies that are supposedly driving our “energy transition.”

Also see student loan debt transfer.


Trying to Supply the Enemies of Western Civilization

John Hinderaker:

Whether the pier will ever assist in delivering material amounts of supplies to Gaza remains to be seen. Personally, I hope that doesn’t happen. Gaza needs to suffer for what it did on October 7, and we should assist Israel in destroying Hamas, not impede its efforts by supplying the enemy.


Savages Gonna Savage

Pluralus:  Hamas Could Have let those Hostages Just Drive Away, Saving 200+ Civilians: The rescue of four Israeli hostages on Saturday was going well, with few casualties.  Until Hamas attacked and tried to kill the escaping hostages.

Via Glenn Reynolds.

The Gazans could also end the war immediately by surrendering.


How's Reading and Math Going, Blue Hair?

John Hinderaker:

Students at all levels are now being inculcated with the idea that the great evil of world history is “settler colonialism.” What, exactly, is settler colonialism, a recent addition to the Left’s lexicon? It turns out that in all of history, there are just two main examples of this evil phenomenon: Israel—never mind that the Jews arrived there more than two millennia before the Arabs—and the United States. The Little Satan and the Great Satan. If your children are attending a public K-12 school, it is likely that they are being introduced to this ideology.


Negotiating With Savages

John Hinderaker:

The Biden administration has been shamefully inert for eight months now. If you weren’t following the news carefully, you likely wouldn’t even know that some of Hamas’s captives are Americans. A competent American administration would have told Hamas to release all Americans immediately, or we would not be as gentle with them as the Israelis are.


These Are the New Rules, Right?

John Hinderaker:

Still, in my opinion, if Trump wins in November he would be remiss if he didn’t give the Democrats a taste of their own medicine. Does this mean “throwing in jail” annoying libs like Ocasio-Cortez? Of course not. To my knowledge, she hasn’t done anything illegal. Stupidity is not a crime. On the other hand, there is a great deal of evidence that Joe Biden has taken upwards of $20 million in bribes from foreign powers and interests. If Trump wins, his Attorney General should immediately bring criminal charges against Biden on whatever is still permitted by the statute of limitations.

As for the other Democrats, they likely are secure against prosecution, since what they have done is a disgrace, but not a crime. But if I am overlooking criminal acts on the part of some Democrats, Trump and his administration should not forgo the opportunity to bring charges wherever they are plausible (not idiotic like the Democrats’ New York and Georgia prosecutions). Brute force is the only thing the Democrats understand, and showing that two can play the criminal prosecution game is the only way to deter Democrats from doing it in the future.

No backsies!


State Religion News

John Hinderaker:

It is good to know that even in today’s anything-goes age, some things are inviolate. Like the “Pride” flag. (If anyone ever explains why being “queer”—their word, not one that I would ever use—is something to be proud of, let me know.) Thus we have kids being arrested for riding their scooters across a Pride flag that was…painted on a street.

A sane person would say, if you don’t want people driving on your religious symbol, don’t put it on a street. But sanity is in short supply these days.


Indict the POS

David Strom:

What are the chances that some local prosecutor couldn't credibly indict Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas in a Texas or Florida jurisdiction?

How about accessory to murder? Human trafficking? Collusion with Mexican drug cartels?

Imagine the possibilities. There are countless crimes that Mayorkas has consciously enabled, and I am quite certain we could prove both his consciousness of guilt and the facts of the cases to the satisfaction of local juries.

I have no doubt at all.

Whether you can make the charges stick is another matter, of course, but Judge Merchan and his Deputy, who was so recently in Joe Biden's Justice Department, clearly had no such concerns about their prosecution of Donald Trump. There are so many reversible errors in that trial that hardly anybody expects the convictions to stick.

There are probably thousands of felonies with which he could be charged, and he wouldn't have the excuse that he is senile and incapable of standing trial, unlike the President.

No doubt, lawyers would object that he has immunity for official acts, and perhaps he does. Perhaps Donald Trump does too, come to think of that, because that issue has yet to be adjudicated. Adjudications in such matters can wait until after the trial, right? Those are the rules, as I understand them now.

No one is above the law. Dark Brandon says so.


Defend Democracy

John Hinderaker:

If Joe Biden is re-elected following this outrage, he will be an illegitimate president. What does that mean? It means, I think, that no one should be obliged to follow his executive orders. All such orders will be illegitimate and should be disregarded, as appropriate. Likewise, residents of the sane states, and their public officials, should be free to disregard rules and orders that come out of the Biden administration’s agencies—the Biden EPA, and so on. And rulings of Biden-appointed judges, or of panels on which one or more Biden judges were part of the majority, should not be given any precedential effect.

More fundamentally, the Democratic Party is now illegitimate. We should stop treating it as a normal political organization. We conservatives have played by the rules, trying to hold our country together in the face of increasingly radical and irrational conduct from our political foes. Those days should be gone. The Democratic Party is now exposed as the enemy of freedom, democracy and the rule of law, and should be treated accordingly.

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